Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Wood And Drolet On Will Power And Its Effectâ€Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Wood And Drolet On Will Power And Its Effect? Answer: Introduction In the article by Neal, Wood and Drolet the habit will power and motivation have been discussed in close relationship with everyday reality. They investigated the conventional notion of blaming lack of self control for losing goal adherence. Through extensive study they explored a different perspective that lack of self control might actually help an individual to keep his focus in achieving his desired goal. We could use the findings in our everyday life effectively for our business development, maintaining personal and professional relationship and reaching our destination. Generative Idea The generative idea of the articles is based on an investigation of what is effect of limited will power on peoples habit in achieving their goals (Neal, Wood Drolet, 2013). A persons habit can be defined as his regular practices that are difficult to give up (Gardner, 2015). Habits are not preceded by careful cognitive mediation rather such conditions like motivation, self control and depletion influence habits actively. These are automatic repeated responses cued externally (Wang et al., 2015). Self control is not always the determining factor while dealing with goal achievement. People experience self control yet they continue goal adherence even by taking assistance from outside. The article tried to explore if these externally cued habitual practices are capable of helping the goal achievement even when someone lacks resources for self control. The findings established that lack of self control actually enhances the persons will to perform better and strong habits help them to achieve desired goals. Habits are neither goal dependent nor memory dependent. The priming effect fails to motivate the subjects to act. The familiar context helps the subject to express strong habits (Wood, 2017). Prior researches concluded that low will power always leads the people towards bad habit, however this research proposes that their psychological mechanism working on bad habits also working for the good habits. If the person is experiencing high self control that influences him to distract from good habit by focusing on different new goals. Therefore low self control on the other hand is capable of helping the person to stick to his good habits for goal adherence. The usefulness of the idea for us The idea is specifically relevant for the generation of the fast pace era. The digital revolution has changed the speed of life; everything is happing so fast and we the millennial are active participants (Wajcman, 2014). We struggle to keep our concentration on single subject, our minds get deviated easily. To try out new things we actually set new goals is every day and we forget that this we keep distancing ourselves from the ultimate goal, we dreamed to achieve. It is not like that we do not suffer from self control, we do. However this report demonstrates that low self control can be a helpful as well. High self control deviate us from our goals but low self control keeps us in the track to our destination (Steimke et al., 2016). Our self control should always be aligned with our habits, and then only we can maintain a healthy practice and achieve our goals easily. Applying the idea in my career, relationships and personal development: The idea will help me to keep the balance between the will power and good habit. I am focused to achieve my career goals. However as an active participant of the dominant habitual practice, I might also feel the challenges to keep my focus for the goal. The will power must be expressed so it might sometimes be through bad habits but if it is not expressed it will have a longer negative impact. There will be moments when I might feel the conflicts between the habits and the actions I want to take. However depending on the possible outcome I will be able to make the right decision. I will not focus much on measuring self power because now I know that keeping the good habit is more important. By maintain so, I will be overcoming the subconscious resistance; I will be strengthening my will power to achieve my desired goal. This will not only help with my career, but also to maintain my professional and personal relationships. Conclusion The lack of self control is not always to be blamed for causing deviation from our goals. High self control can also distract us from our mission by focusing too much on temporary adventures. The good habits are more important than the power over self control. Lack of self control is not always a bad thing; it has its god sides as well. We must stay focused, keep our good habit alive and work on achieving our goals whether the self control strength is high or low. Reference Gardner, B. (2015). A review and analysis of the use of habitin understanding, predicting and influencing health-related behaviour.Health Psychology Review,9(3), 277-295. Neal, D. T., Wood, W., Drolet, A. (2013). How do people adhere to goals when willpower is low? The profits (and pitfalls) of strong habits.Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,104(6), 959. Steimke, R., Stelzel, C., Gaschler, R., Rothkirch, M., Ludwig, V. U., Paschke, L. M., ... Walter, H. (2016). Decomposing self-control: individual differences in goal pursuit despite interfering aversion, temptation, and distraction.Frontiers in psychology,7. Wajcman, J. (2014).Pressed for time: The acceleration of life in digital capitalism. University of Chicago Press. Wang, L., Tao, T., Fan, C., Gao, W., Wei, C. (2015). The Influence of Chronic Ego Depletion on Goal Adherence: An Experience Sampling Study.PloS one,10(11), e0142220. Wood, W. (2017). The Role of habits in Self?Control.Handbook of Self-Regulation: Research, Theory, and Applications, 95.

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