Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Balanaced Scorecard and Performance Measurements Case Study

Balanaced Scorecard and Performance Measurements - Case Study Example 2007). The scorecard is effectively utilised in measuring the utilisation of resources in seeking to achieve the objectives stipulated within the context of the organisational vision and mission statement. The balanced scorecard for Otago Museum makes consideration of the companys objectives as compared to the various stakeholders within the organisational structure. The various stakeholders within the organisation need to be able to measure the performance in relation to the objectives of the organisation. As a non-profit organisation, effective functioning of the internal systems is essential in ensuring the stakeholders are focused in performing their responsibilities within the organisation. A consideration of the organisational vision enabled transformation of the objectives into operational goals, which become the fundamental responsibilities for the various stakeholders. The understanding of their responsibilities enables the stakeholders to identify instances when operations are not within the desired outcomes. This enables the stakeholders to adopt measures for making corrections in seeking to ensure the operations remain within the expected standards. These are the stakeholders who have continuously ensured the organisation remains operational. Their fundamental function is the coordination of resources towards achieving the identified outcomes of the organisation. These individuals are involved in the development of the organisational strategies in seeking to ensure delivery of the strategic objectives. Many of the developed strategies remain based on the organisational objectives, which are derived from the vision. The management functions and leadership provided by these stakeholders has remained fundamental in ensuring continued operation of Otago. These stakeholders need to be constantly informed about the modern trends within the business in order to integrate them within the context of Otago operations. The strategic

Saturday, February 8, 2020

The Persuasive Power of the Media Research Paper

The Persuasive Power of the Media - Research Paper Example In addition to that, the paper seeks to find out which models are most genuine when it comes to explaining the influence of media on society (Wimmer, 2010). Lastly, the paper will apply one of the theories to a current example in the media with the purpose of critiquing the model. The theories Various theories have been put forward to actually explain how media influences people and the power it has to do so. These are Cognitive dissonance theory, Communication accommodation theory, Spiral silence theory, Uses and Gratification theory and Symbolic interaction theory. Cognitive dissonance theory Proponents of this theory argue that experience of dissonance is always aversive and people always tend to ensure that they avoid it completely (Niklas, 2000). Dissonance, in this case, means incompatible believes and actions. In so doing, the theory puts it that people tend to seek and find out something that does not contradict their opinion or belief. They also seek to hear something that i s in line with their thinking and therefore make decisions that do not bring about feelings of dissonance. In explaining the influence that the media has on society, the theory argues that information delivered to the people through the mass media is made to be in line with what those in societies expect. The end process of all this is where the mass media is able to change the beliefs, attitude, and actions of people thereby influencing them. Communication accommodation theory The theory originated from the speech accommodation theory in communication skills. The main interest of this theoretical perspective is to explain what happens whenever two people are communicating and they shift their communication style. The theory argues that whenever people are communicating to others, they will always ensure that they shift their communication style to fit that of others (Stay, 2006). To ensure that this is achieved people always tend to either use convergence or a divergent approach to communicate to the mass.