Saturday, December 28, 2019

The Face of the Civil Rights Movement - 559 Words

The world was shocked when Martin Luther King Jr. stepped up to protest unfair civil policies in the United States. King gained civil rights for African Americans and other minority groups. He was born on January 15, 1929 in Atlanta, Georgia, the second child of Reverend Martin Luther King Sr. and Mrs. Alberta Williams King. As a child, King faced racial discrimination from his white peers. As King grew older, he married Coretta Scott and had four children; he was also a reverend. â€Å"He was one of the greatest orators in American history and could stir the masses with his biblical cadences† (Sullivan 47). King changed America by advocating civil rights. Martin Luther King Jr. changed segregation laws in Montgomery, Alabama, while also changing the rest of America. On December 1, 1955, Rosa Parks, a department store seamstress and the secretary of the Montgomery division of the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People), got on a segregated bus after work one day, exhausted. When the white section of the bus filled up, Rosa was asked to get out of her seat for a white passenger. She refused and was arrested on the spot. The next day, King met with other proponents of civil rights, including fellow pastor Ralph Abernathy, to organize a bus boycott in Montgomery originally meant for one day. Fortunately, the strike was so effective that it continued for 381 days. King and others formed the Montgomery Improvement Association (MIA) to prolongShow MoreRelatedThe White Race And Its Heroes1623 Words   |  7 PagesPrimary Source Analysis: Cleaver, E. â€Å"The White Race and Its Heroes.† in Souls on Ice, 65-83. New York: Dell Press, 1968. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

Organ Donation Operations Improvement Plan Essay - 1872 Words

Project plan to increase organ donation rates at Temple University Hospital Introduction Over 88,400 Americans are currently awaiting a life saving organ transplant. As of the end of February there were 4,375 transplants performed from 2,263 donors; 1033 of those donors were living donors (primarily kidney transplants) (UNOS, 2005). Extrapolating this data, this year over 26,000 people will receive a transplant. Hundreds to thousands die each year during that wait. Our local Organ Procurement Organization, the Gift of Life (GOL) services the eastern half of Pennsylvania, southern New Jersey and Delaware. In this region, 4,556 people are active on one or more transplant lists (GOL, 2005). For example, one person could†¦show more content†¦The goal is to have a conversion (also commonly called consent) rate of 75%. This means that three of four families of eligible organ donors that are asked, actually consent to the donation. The consent rate at TUH at the end of 2003 was 60% and dropped to 57% by the end of 2004 (GOL, 2005). At the end of March 2005 (the first quarter), the conversion rate was 43%. The hypothesis is that the proper best practice process had not been consistently implemented and that the decreased overall donation rate is largely due to the hospital staff not referring 30% of eligible patients to the GOL. The Problem The number of Americans awaiting a life saving organ transplant greatly out numbers the available organs. What can TUH do differently to increase the number of organ donors to at least the DHHS Collaboratives goal of a sustained conversion rate of 75%? The internal process The internal process of organ donation at TUH was mapped (see diagram 1) from the time the patient arrives to the hospital up to the transportation of the surgically recovered organs. The process itself is well established by the GOL as being optimal for the desired outcome. The learning team did an analysis of each step in the process. A few areas were identified as key points in the process that could be positively impacted to improve organ donation consent rates. For continued discussion the individual person performing many of these activitiesShow MoreRelatedThe Medical Field Is Always Advancing. Research Is Providing914 Words   |  4 PagesThe medical field is always advancing. Research is providing new means of improvement and brand new technology. The technology is then used to help patients recover and prevent diseases. Research and Development teams spend their entire careers testing and building new innovations to help the field progress. Luckily, a new modern technology has been developed. What is this technology? The 3D printer. 3D printers are surprisingly older than people think. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Lazzaro Spallanzani Essay Example For Students

Lazzaro Spallanzani Essay Lazzaro Spallanzai, was the Italian physiologist who was one of the founders of experimental biology. Born in Scandiano, a small town in the providence of Emilia on Jan. 12, 1729 , Spallanzani was among the many dedicated philosophersof the eighteeth century (Lazzaro 1). His main scientific interests were biological and was a master at mircoscopy,but he also looked into problems of physics,chemistry, geology, and meteorology, and volcanology (Gillispie,1). After attending a local school, Spallazani went at afe fifteen to a Jesuit seminary n Reggio Emilia where he dominated in rhetoric, philosophy, and languages. He left Reggio Emilia in 1749 to study jurisprudence at the ancient University of Bologna, where he expanded is education in mathematics, chemistry, natural history, and aquired a knowledge of French (Asimov,1). For three years he worked toward his docterine in law. In 1753 or 1754 he became a doctor of philosophy. Then, he recieved instructions in metaphysics and theology and took minor orders. Within a few years he became a priest and added himself to two congregations in Modena (Gillispie,2). Spallanzani, in hundreds of experiments tested various rituals for rendering infusions permanently barren and finally found that they remained free of microorganisms when put into flasks that were sealed and the contents boiled for one hour (Lazzaro 1). The entrance of air into the flask through a slight crack in its neck was Patel 2 followed infusoria. He reported no spontaneous generation in strongly heated infusions protected from aerial contamination. In 1765, after cutting up thousands of earthworms and exploiting the ability of the aquatic salamander to regrow its tail, he resolved to nvestigate reproductive phenomena in animals ans plants(Gillispie,3). He proved this by cuting theworms the area that affected the segmental regenerative response. Amputation of the tailwas followed by vascularization of the transparent growing stump. He also established the general law that in susceptible species inverse ratio obtains between the regenerativecapacity and age of the animal. Lazzaro launched countless experiments relating to infusion animalcules and spermatic worms, with result that soon made chimera of thevegetatice force and undermined the docterine of organic molecules; but hese ideasdemanded more attention so they were postponed (Asimove,2). He also found that complex infusoriaare more susceptible to heat and cold than the infinitely minute germ of lower class,whose relative resistance he ascribed to their eggs. In 1777 he publicly demonstrated the great force exerted by the gizzards of fowls and ducks in polverizing hollow glass globules thus confirming Redis century-old account. He studied the circulation of blood through the lungs and experimented on digestive juices, which he observed, were specialized for disgesting different foods. Attempting to discover what art of the semen was essential for generation, he filtered samples from amphibians and discovered that the higher the filteration, the less likely was the development of an egg. Spallanzani had adopted the newchemical docterine that developedfollowing the discoveries, mainly by British chemists, of carbon dioxcide, hydrogen,nitrogen, and oxygen during the period 1755-1774. In 1768 he reported there findings in Prodromo di un opera da imprimersi sopra le riproduzioni animaki, which he intended as a prelude to Patel 3 a major work on animal reproduction (Gillispie,5). Spallanzani in the year of 1788 ourneyed to the Two Sicilies, mainly in order to correct deficiencies in the volcanic collections of the museum. He also went to the volcano Enta and tested the flow of the lava by going five feet close to it. He reported that bellowing gas explosions forced the red hot lava out and ejected massive rocks, which later helped the science of volcanology (Astimov,2). In 1789 to 1790 he climbed the Modense Apennines carrying chemicalappartus for examing the natural gas fires of Barigazzo and the salses. Two years later, he made further studies of eels at Lake Comacchio. In his last experiments he ried to demonstrate how body tissues convert what is now knows as oxygen into carbon dioxide (Gillispie,9). .u7dc709be062d74f76b4baeb79b2f3ca0 , .u7dc709be062d74f76b4baeb79b2f3ca0 .postImageUrl , .u7dc709be062d74f76b4baeb79b2f3ca0 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u7dc709be062d74f76b4baeb79b2f3ca0 , .u7dc709be062d74f76b4baeb79b2f3ca0:hover , .u7dc709be062d74f76b4baeb79b2f3ca0:visited , .u7dc709be062d74f76b4baeb79b2f3ca0:active { border:0!important; } .u7dc709be062d74f76b4baeb79b2f3ca0 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u7dc709be062d74f76b4baeb79b2f3ca0 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u7dc709be062d74f76b4baeb79b2f3ca0:active , .u7dc709be062d74f76b4baeb79b2f3ca0:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u7dc709be062d74f76b4baeb79b2f3ca0 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u7dc709be062d74f76b4baeb79b2f3ca0 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u7dc709be062d74f76b4baeb79b2f3ca0 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u7dc709be062d74f76b4baeb79b2f3ca0 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u7dc709be062d74f76b4baeb79b2f3ca0:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u7dc709be062d74f76b4baeb79b2f3ca0 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u7dc709be062d74f76b4baeb79b2f3ca0 .u7dc709be062d74f76b4baeb79b2f3ca0-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u7dc709be062d74f76b4baeb79b2f3ca0:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Skewed vision EssayLazzaro Spallanzani suffered from an unlarged prostate complicated by a chronic bladder infection. On February 11, 1799 shortly after his seventeith birthday, he became anuric and fell unconscious (Lazzaro.. 1). Throughout his life time Spallanzani had recieved many honors, including membership in the ten most distinguished Italian academies, and foreign associateship in a dozen famous European scientific societies. Hed also had his work published in several different volumes (Gillispie,10). Philosophy

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Management Theory and Practice Economic Factors

Question: Discuss about theManagement Theory and Practicefor Economic Factors. Answer: Introduction It is essential for the businesses to identify and management of different impacts related to social, environmental and economic factors as the changes have been taking place in the business environment. The adoption of different corporate responsibility and sustainability activities help companies to incorporate the value related to social, environmental and economic into their core strategy and operations. This facilitates in improving and managing of different business risks and opportunities to enhance the sustainability in terms of society and environment (Thauer, 2014). This report emphasizes on different activities adopted by the Billabong international and its effect on its stakeholders. Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability in Billabong International Billabong International has implemented social compliance programs from last 10 years for the purpose of setting expectations for social compliance in the people and brands of the company. The company has adopted environment friendly processes to provide eco-friendly products to its customers. Changes have been made in the business operations of the company as nowadays, youth focuses on cleanness of the environment due to which changes have been made within the organization (Crane, 2008). The company has engaged independent auditors for the purpose of auditing of different supply chain and manufacturing processes on the ongoing basis for the purpose of ensuring social compliance. The company takes corrective actions if it does not receive a satisfactory score by the audit process (Marshall, 2016). The company is engaged in bringing continuous improvement in its supply chain by involving employees in the supply chain in a direct manner. This helps employees to learn new knowledge and information required to perform their day to day operations. The company recycles different used products such as plastic bottles to develop a new broad short material. This helps in prevention of the plastic bottles in oceans and landfills. This in turn helps in keeping environment clean. The company has made the use of various recycled materials such as recycled rubbers, organic cottons and recycled polyester fibers to produce products such as premium quick dry lining, co branded t-shirts, sneakers and sandals. In addition to this, the company also makes donations to Sea Shepherd to save the marine wildlife by the way of organizing different campaigns (Vogel, 2007). Besides this, upgradation has been made in the Billabong stores by the use of energy efficient LED lighting, reduction in energy consumption and cooling loads from air conditioning. For the purpose of attaining environmental benefit, the company provides support to different environment groups by the way of initiation of the use of recycling programs, greater use of environmental friendly fabrics and fibers, reducing the use of packaging material. In order to increase the understanding of the climate change occurred at the global level, the company focuses on reducing the carbon emissions in the environment in order to implement different initiatives to analyse and understand climate change risk. The company has complied with the NGER Act that is applicable to carbon emission occurred in Australia only. There is an increase in the carbon footprint to 9864 tonnes in the year 2010-2011 as compared to 5769 tonnes in 2009-2010. There is an increase of 71% in the carbon footprint of the c ompany in Australia (Billabong, 2017). In order to reduce the overall carbon footprint of the company, some initiatives are taken by the company such as use of energy efficient lighting technologies. At the store level various environmental programs are operated such as use of video conferencing, recycling, phasing out of paper based purchasing procedures and reductions in packaging (Grnewlder, 2008) . Besides this, the company made investments in research and development to explore the use of new materials and fabrics for the design of the product in an environmental friendly manner. For this purpose, many of the products provided by the company to its customers are recycled in order to reduce the adverse environmental impact on the society and the workplace (Hopkins, 2003). The employees of the Billabong are working together and are engaged in carrying out different activities which helps in reducing the impact of the business activities on the environment. Besides this, employees are engaged in the decision making process and the management considers different ideas provided by the employees to reduce the adverse impact of the business operations on the environment as well as the society (Habisch, A. et al., 2005). The company has entered into agreements with third party organizations to adopt different activities which facilitates in saving the life of marine wildlife as there is an adverse impact of the business activities pursued by the company on the marine wildlife. The company makes donations and organizes campaigns to create awareness among the public to preserve the marine wildlife. In addition to this, adoption of such activities and investment in research and development to bring new technologies helps in attracting the investors to make inve stment in the company (Urip,2010). In conrtext to this, triple bottom line theory and stakeholder theory is appropriate. There is a need to build a balance between three responsibilities such as economic, social and environment sustainability. In case of Billabong , the company is able to maintain environment sustainability by reducing the carbon footprint and use of recycled products. In addition to this, the economic sustsinability is maintained through the investment in research and development in order to create environmental friendly technology in the products that facilitates in increasing the sales and profits of the company. The social sustainability is maintained by the company by providing eco-friendly and safe environment to its employees by establishing a communication network that help the employees to discuss their views and opinions with other employees in order to take quick decision. Stakeholder theory states that the company needs to dispose of its wastes in a manner that it does not have an adverse impact on its stakeholders such as members of the society, customers, suppliers and government. Stakeholders has a right to clean air and water. These stakeholders have a power that results in their contribution towards the company (Billabong, 2017). Conclusion It can be concluded that it is important for the businesses to take initiatives to preserve the quality of the environment by adopting different eco-friendly procedures which results in the reduction of the occurrence of low carbon footprint in the environment. It can be summarized that the Billabong International has adopted various practices such as use of recycled products and organic products as it helps in keeping environment clean and safe for the members of the society. References Billabong. (2017). Environmental Accountability. Retrieved February 11, 2017, from Billabong. (2017). Our policies. Retrieved February 11, 2017, from Crane, A. (2008). The Oxford Handbook of Corporate Social Responsibility. OUP Oxford. Grnewlder, A. (2008). Corporate Social Responsibility. GRIN Verlag. Habisch, A. et al. (2005). Corporate Social Responsibility Across Europe. Springer Science Business Media. Hopkins, M. (2003). The Planetary Bargain: Corporate Social Responsibility Matters. Earthscan. Marshall, S. (2016). Fair Trade, Corporate Accountability and Beyond: Experiments in Globalizing Justice. Routledge. Thauer, C.R. (2014). The Managerial Sources of Corporate Social Responsibility. Cambridge University Press. Urip, S. (2010). CSR Strategies: Corporate Social Responsibility for a Competitive Edge in Emerging Markets. John Wiley Sons. Vogel, D. (2007). The Market for Virtue: The Potential and Limits of Corporate Social Responsibility. Brookings Institution Press.